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Article-0-20DDEF5300000578-281 634x357

Banknote Stamps consists of the addition of an inked message directly on a bank note. It allows to quickly spread a message to a random audience through the continuous exchange of money.



There are many different ways to make your own stamps.

Here is a quick selection of tutorials:

- Sugru based stamps by ChrysN

- Laser-cut rubber stamps by Calisch

- Eraser stamp by crystalshea



Stamp Stampede - Economic Jusitsu

Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s fame runs the Stamp Stampede, which stamps messages condemning the Citizens United Supreme Court ruling, which opened the floodgates of unlimited, anonymous political campaign spending.


More recently, an anonymous anti-censorship group is stamping Chinese banknotes with a QR code and the message “Scan and download software to break the Internet firewall.” The stamps encode a URL for Freegate, a firewall-busting service. The stamps are widely suspected to be the work of Falun Gong, an outlawed religious sect that has a long history of supplying anti-censorship technology inside of mainland China, both to supply access to its own censored websites and to advertise the virtues of its belief-system to Chinese Internet users who are more interested in beating censorship than religion.

More info[]

Interesting website about money tracking: Where'sGeorge


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